We Go Together Like Lemon and Lime And Chocolate With Wine
Find the Perfect Pairing at Westminster Palms
Enjoy a cooking demonstration featuring delicious pairings of food and wine and find out why our Life Plan Community in Historic Old Northeast St. Petersburg is the perfect match for your active lifestyle. Explore our community and learn how to impress your guests with these perfect pairings, with help from one of the many talented members of our Dining Services Team. While you’re here, discover what makes Westminster Palms an ideal partner for your future, from the maintenance-free lifestyle, to the assurance of a full continuum of care, and so much more.
Friday, September 23 at 2 p.m.
To R.S.V.P. by September 16, please call Michelle at (727) 914-5203 or click the button below.
To R.S.V.P., call (727) 513-7131 or complete the form today!